
Sign Up For A
Free Trial

Join us for a complimentary session! If you are truly a novice when it comes to exercise, then consult with our qualified in-house personal trainers. A trial session will be extremely valuable to assess and understand more about how to workout efficiently in the gym.

Our Services

Trilogic Fitness aims to make everyday people better through 3 cornerstones – Personal Training, Sports Rehab and Group Exercise. We understand that everyday people seek an all-rounded approach for functionality/ aesthetic goals and so at Trilogic Fitness, we deliver holistic training with focus on Strength, Endurance, Flexibility and Human Performance. Swing by for a gym tour, we are just a 5-min walk from Novena MRT station!

Personal Training

No matter what your goals are performance-related, weight reduction, improved health and vitality, strength, or muscle tone – Trilogic Fitness’ team of skilled trainers can develop a customised training plan that will help you improve your physique and quality of training.

We provide a free trial session before you commit to a comprehensive fitness package that puts you on the proper path to lasting transformation, including personal training, nutrition advises and professional coaching.

Personal Training fees range from $120/hr-$175/hr

Our Packages

Standard Trainer
Fees range from $120/hr
Senior Trainer
Fees range from $140/hr
Elite Trainer
Fees range from $160/hr

Buddy Training

Our highly qualified sports science personal trainers provide quality small group training.  You may train with up to three buddies with our small group personal training. We intentionally keep the group training small and limit up to 3 persons to ensure the quality of coaching for every individual. 
Enquire below to find out more and book a trial session with us.

Our Packages

Standard Trainer
Fees range from $155/hr
Senior Trainer
Fees range from $170/hr

PT Rental Rates

Are you a freelance personal trainer looking for a large, well equipped, clean and professional work environment for both you and your client? We offer competitive and extremely flexible rental packages to suit your business needs. Per 60 mins session, our rates range from $35 adhoc use to $19 on our high value package. If you’re looking for the ultimate flexibility, have a look at our PT Lite Package.

PT Rental Rates

Sessions (Monthly)
Sessions (Prepaid & Adhoc)
PT Lite (Prepaid) – 8
Ad Hoc – 1